New Release - The Ghost in the Machine (First Hand Records)
On 1st October 2021 we released our debut album, 'The Ghost in the Machine'. The recording is inspired by Emily's research into the performance style found in original 18th C mechanical musical instruments. It features transcriptions from these marvellous machines arranged for our full ensemble, alongside music from the period played in a comparably virtuosic and exuberant style. The result is anything but mechanical and our listeners are loving it so far. We've also made it onto a number of Spotify playlists - including their high-profile Classical New Releases back in September!
The recording features our extended lineup and we are so excited to be working together with these phenomenal players. In addition to Emily Baines (Recorders/Director) and Arngeir Hauksson (Theorbo/Guitar) we feature
Steven Devine - Harpsichord/Organ
Poppy Walshaw - Cello
Jim O'Toole - Violin
Holly Harman - Violin
Alexis Bennett - Viola

We couldn't have made this album without the supreme generosity of our supporters. We received grants from Angel Early Music and The Handel Institute and would like to extend our huge thanks to them and everyone who supported our crowd-funding campaign too!!!